
Housing, Dining, and Emotional Support Animal Accommodation Information

The Office of Housing & Residence Life recognizes that some students may need housing, support animal, or meal plan accommodations.

Prior to May 1st, all new students need to have their housing deposit submitted in order for a Petition for Accommodation to be reviewed. After May 1st, when new student housing applications become available, the student will need their housing deposit and their housing application completed for a Petition for Accommodation to be reviewed. 

Please see the information below related to Accommodation Requests. It is recommended for students to contact Accessibility Services (716-839-8228, prior to submitting an Accommodation Request to aid with the process. For other questions, please reach out to our Director of Accessibility Services, Debbie Dimitrovski

Housing Accommodation

Due to the nature of housing logistics, requests for housing accommodations should be made at least 60 days prior to the move-in date (Friday, November 22nd, 2024 is 60 days prior to Spring 2025 move-in and Wednesday, July 2nd, 2025 is 60 days prior to Fall 2025 move-in). Requests may be made after that time, however, they may not be able to be honored due to availability.

Please use the form located below to Petition the Accommodations Committee for your Housing Accommodation request. Follow the directions listed by filling out the first page and then giving the medical provider the entire form to complete. The medical provider must return the completed form directly to the Office of Accessibility Services. Personally identifying information will be redacted before the request is brought to the Committee to maintain student privacy. 


Dining Accommodation

Requests for dining accommodations should be made at least 60 days prior to the academic year. Current students requesting a Dining Accommodation mid-year will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Dining Accommodation requests past add/drop will not be honored until the following semester. 

Requests may be made after that time, however, reimbursement may not be able to be honored due to set budgets. 

Please use the form located below to Petition the Accommodations Committee for your Dining Accommodation Request. Follow the directions listed by filling out the first page and then giving the medical provider the entire form to complete. The medical provider must return the completed form directly to the Office of Accessibility Services. Personally identifying information will be redacted before the request is brought to the Committee to maintain student privacy. 


Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Accommodation

Requests for Emotional Support Animal (ESA) accommodations should be made at least 60 days prior to the move-in date of a semester. Requests may be made after that time, however they may not be able to be honored due to housing logisitics.

Please use the form located below to Petition the Accommodations Committee for your ESA Accommodation Request. Follow the directions listed by filling out the first page and then giving the mental health provider the entire form to complete. The mental health provider must return the completed form directly to the Office of Accessibility Services. Personally identifying information will be redacted before the request is brought to the Committee to maintain student privacy. Students and the mental health provider should review the Assistance Animal Agreement prior to completing the Petition for ESA Accommodation Form. 
