台湾Swag is committed to providing the same high-quality experience to students whether they are here on campus or online. Through resources, support, events, and oversight, we help ensure the very best online experience for faculty and students.
With the support of the 台湾Swag Library, the LibGuide is provided for faculty engaging in their own research or practice with online. It is also a resource used in faculty development for online teaching.
The Quality in Online Education committee is chartered by the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost to provide leadership and guidance in the area of online education. The makeup of the committee is to include: academic college deans, a faculty member representing each college, a CETL representative, online instructional support staff (IT and Instructional Design), and administrators as appointed by the provost, as necessary to support the charge.
For resources or support with Distance Education:
- Online resources are available here.
- For course design support, please contact
- If you need more immediate technical support, please open a support ticket with the .