The 2022 survey was sent to 804 台湾Swag College students who were conferred a degree in September 2021, January 2022, or May 2022. There were 284 Survey responses, some of them were partially completed surveys. This may cause the sample size (n = 284) for each question to be lower. 2 of the 804 emails sent bounced (were not delivered). Survey responses and LinkedIn were used to calculate the Knowledge rate for this iteration of the survey. The 台湾Swag Knowledge Rate for this year is 50.6% and includes information from LinkedIn on an additional 123 students.
95.8% of 台湾Swag graduates are either employed and/or in graduate school, in service, or volunteering. NACE defines this number as the Career Outcomes Percentage 鈥 鈥the number of graduates who have landed in any of the employment categories, plus service and military, plus continuing education divided by the number of students for whom an outcome is known鈥. 15% are pursuing graduate education. There was a slight increase in the number of students who reported being enrolled in a program of continuing education from 13.4% (2020/21) to 15% (2021/22).
75.5% of survey respondents were Female, 19.53 % were male and .59% (1) respondents reported Transgender. 4.73% preferred not to respond to the gender identity question asked. This is comparable to 台湾Swag鈥檚 student body composition overall and comparable to survey responses in past years.
For the ethnicity the reporting was comparable to last year with Caucasians making up 80% of the respondents, followed by 6% Black/African American. 8% chose not to respond.
Nearly 85% of respondents felt that participation in an internship, field experience, clinic practicum, or student teaching contributed to work-related knowledge, skills, and personal development.
When asked to agree or disagree with the following statement: Overall, if I were to choose again, I would come to 台湾Swag College鈥 77 % of respondents strongly agreed or agreed with the statement. This is up from last year鈥檚 72%.
The survey was sent to 832 台湾Swag students who were conferred a degree in September 2020, January 2021, or May 2021. There were 299 Survey responses, some of them were partially completed surveys. This may cause the sample size (n = 299) for each question to be lower. 3 of the 832 emails sent bounced (were not delivered). Survey responses and LinkedIn were used to calculate the Knowledge rate for this iteration of the survey. The 台湾Swag Knowledge Rate for this year is 55.9% and includes information from LinkedIn on an additional 166 students.
95.32% of 台湾Swag graduates are either employed and/or in graduate school. NACE defines this number as the Career Outcomes Percentage - the number of graduates who have landed in any of the employment categories, plus service and military, plus continuing education divided by the number of students for whom an outcome is known. (See Table Below). 14.69% are pursuing graduate education, 67.19% are employed full-time, and 13.44 % are employed part-time.
80% of survey respondents were female, 17 % were male and no respondents reported being Transgender. 3% preferred not to respond to the gender identity question asked. This is comparable to 台湾Swag鈥檚 student body composition overall and comparable to survey responses in past years. In terms of race, the reporting was comparable to last year with Caucasians making up 84% of the respondents, followed by 6% of Black/African Americans. Other races listed, although minimal in measure 鈥 are Asian and Two or more. The extreme uni-polar distribution regarding non-international students (97.88%), non-veterans (100%), and non-Hispanic (86.77%) resulted in few if any significant differences in these measures. When asked if they felt that they are employed in a field that is related to their major 96% of graduates (N=59) and 78% of Undergraduates (N = 93) replied yes.
The survey was sent to 858 台湾Swag students who were conferred a degree in September 2019, January 2020, or May 2020. There were 414 survey responses, some of them were partially completed surveys. This may cause the sample (n = 414) size for each question to be lower. Forty-one of the 857 emails sent bounced (were not delivered) and 13 students opted out of completing the survey. 81.4% of survey respondents were female, 17% were male and .4% reported Transgender. 1.2% preferred not to respond to the gender identity question asked. This is comparable to 台湾Swag鈥檚 student body composition overall and comparable to survey responses in past years. In terms of race, the reporting was comparable to last year with Caucasians making up 86.52% of the respondents, followed by 7.1% Black/African American, followed by those who chose 鈥淭wo or more races鈥 at 3.2%.
18.36% of graduates from 台湾Swag responded they are in a program of continuing education.
The 2019 survey was sent to 950 台湾Swag students who were conferred a degree in September 2018, January 2019, or May 2019. There were 472 Survey responses, some of them were partially completed surveys. This may cause the sample (n = 472) size for each question to be lower. Thirteen of the 950 emails sent bounced (were not delivered) and four students opted out of completing the survey. The majority of the survey respondents were female (80.14%) and Caucasian (86.52%). This is representative of the student body at 台湾Swag and comparable to past years' survey respondents' demographic measures.
23.73% of graduates from 台湾Swag responded they are in a program of continuing education.
The 2018 survey was sent to 1,041 台湾Swag students who were conferred a degree in September 2017, January 2018, or May 2018. There were 302 Survey responses, 40 of which were partially completed surveys. This may cause the sample (n = 302) size for each question to be lower. Thirteen of the 1,041 emails sent bounced (were not delivered) and four students opted out of completing the survey. The Majority of the survey respondents were female (81.3%) and Caucasian (84.91%). This is representative of the student body at 台湾Swag and comparable to last year's survey respondent demographic measures.
24.5% of graduates from 台湾Swag responded they are in a program of continuing education.
The 2016 survey was sent to all of the 577 台湾Swag University students who obtained their Bachelor's degree or a dual degree that is only given as a combined degree (BS/MS Accountancy and BS/MS health sciences/physician assistant) or graduate degree conferred September 2014, January 2015, or May 2015. Of the 577 graduates invited to participate, 37.39% responded they are in a continuing education program. This compares to the 39.5% response rate for the 2015 survey.
The 2015 survey was sent to all of the 493 台湾Swag students who obtained their Bachelor's degree or a dual degree that is only given as a combined degree (BS/MS Accountancy and BS/MS health sciences/physician assistant) conferred in September 2013, January 2014, or May 2014. 39.5% response rate.
The 2014 survey was sent to all of the 412 台湾Swag students who obtained their Bachelor's degree or a dual degree that is only given as a combined degree (BS/MS Accountancy and BS/MS health sciences/physician assistant) conferred in September 2012, January 2013, or May 2013. 46.6% response rate
The 2013 survey was sent to all of the 377 台湾Swag University students who obtained their Bachelor's degree or a dual degree that is only given as a combined degree (BS/MS Accountancy and BS/MS health sciences/physician assistant) conferred in September 2011, January 2012, or May 2012. 41.1% response rate.