Dear Graduate,
As you leave here today and venture out into the world, remember that you are forever a member of the 台湾Swag family and a lifetime member of the 台湾Swag /Rosary Hill Alumni Association.
Always remember your Alma Mater. We hope to hear from you often over the years as you achieve the goals you set for yourself and become the success you are sure to be.
You are now embarking on a journey to become a role model for the 台湾Swag students of the future. We are proud of you and wish you good fortune on your life鈥檚 journey.
Graduate Candidates
College of Arts, Sciences, and Education
- Sandra Abboudi
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Naomi Esther Abitbol
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Toby Akerman
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Emily Anton
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Yehudit Babekov
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Chaya Bajnon
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Duba Barenbaum
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Chaya Ben Abu
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Hannah Berinstein
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Lauren Berry
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Faiga Bodenheimer
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Kaelyn N. Bova
- Batsheva Braunstein
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Devorah Bresler
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Miriam B. Burnstein
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Katie Jessica Weiss
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Faiga Mirel Chaifetz
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Rochel Chesir
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Izabella Danilova
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Chaya Esther Daum
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Rochel Eckstein
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Sara Edelstein
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Shayna Bryna Feintuch
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Pesa Baila Fettman
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Rachel Fink
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Rachel Fishman
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Tova Florans
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Chanie B. Gutter (Fogel)
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Chana F. Frank
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Tova Friedman
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Mindel Gelber
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Esther Gottlieb
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Blimi Gutman
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Boruch Halpern
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Hudis Heiman
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Miriam Leah Herbst
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Menucha Rochel Herson
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Hadassa Holman
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Joseph Tovia Horowitz
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Chaya Horowitz
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Daniella Ilyabayeva
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Hinda Indich
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Nechama Insel
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Ronna Irbauch
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Susanna Isakova
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Menucha Rochel Itkin
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Gitty Katz
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Devorah R. Kaplan
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Rachel Khaimova
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Irina Khaimovich
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Joudit Khalifeh
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Matel Kievman
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Chaya Perel Klein
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Sara Leeba Klein
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Ariella Kohanteb
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Rachel Krasnow
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Rochel Kupfer
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Naomi Lapan
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Jacob Leifer
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Chava Levine
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Alicia Victoria Longmore
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Devora Gobioff
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Chaya Simi Malul
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Tonia Minkowicz
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Rivkah Mohadeb
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Dovid Mueller
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Diana Mullokandova
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Yafit Mullukandov
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Sara Nasibi
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Malka Rochel Neuwirth
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Tara Paris
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Malka Perecman
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Chaya Possick
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Rena Bracha Quedoshim
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Sarah Bandman
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Adina Ray
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Elianah Pinkhasova
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Adina Chaya Rosenberg
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Rivka Rosenblatt
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Leah Rosenblatt
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Tzipora Rosenfeld
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Chaya Rotenberg
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Bashi Rowner
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Malka Gila Saadi
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Edna C. Sanchez
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Esther Scherman
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Fraidy Schlesinger
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Shiffy Schwartz
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Shlomo Schwartz
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Tzippora Schwarz
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Sarah Shulamit Seri
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Sheila Shamah
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Michele Shayestehfrouz
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Miriam Silberberg
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Elisheva Simes
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Moshe Zev Simonowits
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Sima G. Singer
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Sora Miriam Slomovits
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Rivka Feigel Sprei
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Yehudis Steinberg
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Rachelie Steiner
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Serie Stroh
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Dina Ben-Dayan
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Sarah Sutton
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Amanda Tawil
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Racheli Teichman
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Sara Katz
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Heidi Terebelo
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Shterna Sara Vaisfiche
Alt Cert: Early Childhd Spec Ed - Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Sarah Wagner
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Aharon Y. Weichbrod
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Estee Weinstock
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Devorah Wohlberg
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Michal Wulwick
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS - Sharon Beth Zolty
Alt Cert:Childhood Special Ed -Trans B (Brooklyn) MS
- Thomas Baten MacAuley
Cytotechnology MS
scott bieler college of health professions
- Sarah Walker
Nursing BS - Online - Nicole L. Watkins
Nursing BS - Online - Julia G. Wik
Nursing-1+2+1-ECC BS - Ciara Antolin
Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner-Accel MS - Katherine Beall
Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner-Accel MS - Ashley Ryann Beutel
Adult - Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner MS - Summer Nicole Briandi
Adult - Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner MS - Chutima S. Burham
Adult - Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner MS - Melissa Ruby Cancel
- Carly Jo Carroll
- Anna Marie Conte
Adult - Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner MS - Lyndsay A. Zsiros
Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner-Accel MS - Jennifer Lynn Dougherty
Nursing Education MS - Katherine Christine Eck
Adult - Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner MS - Andrea Catherine McDonnell
Adult - Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner MS - Megan R. Gerwitz
Adult - Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner MS - Emily Kathryn Glose
- Kathryn Alaina Gordon
Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner-Accel MS - Sydney Rose Gregory
Adult - Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner MS - Alivia M. Guthrie
Adult - Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner MS - Fathi A. Hassan
Adult - Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner MS - Alan Paul Henry
Nursing Executive Leadership MS - Christine S. Herman
- Jillian T. Hutchison
Adult - Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner MS - Kira Olivia Jaroslawsky
Adult - Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner MS - Erin Elizabeth Madej
Nursing Education MS - Jamie Mueller
Adult - Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner MS - Amanda Lynn Olander
Adult - Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner MS - Liza L. Palillo
- Letrice Peals
- Christopher John Perez
Nursing Education MS - David Ihsan Pirro
Adult - Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner MS - Daren Nicolas Powers
Adult - Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner MS - Ashley Marie Rivera
Adult - Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner MS - Aris Q. Rizzo
Adult - Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner MS - Nicole Marie Saffer
Adult - Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner MS - Mandeep Kaur
Nursing Executive Leadership MS - Chelsea Nicole Stewart
Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner-Accel MS - Brittany Nicole Stone
Nursing Education MS - Luke William Tackentien
- Alexandra Maria Vazquez
- Charlene Elizabeth Welsted
Adult - Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner MS - Shanice Marie Wilson
Adult - Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner MS - Michele Winsor
Adult - Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner MS - Cassandra Wolniewicz
Adult - Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner MS - Takafumi Yoshida
Adult - Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner MS
- Christina Marie Aldridge
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Gabrielle Marie Andzel
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Madeline Rose Barrick
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Ryan James Hartley Beck
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Kathryn E. Bilicki
Physical Therapy-Direct Entry DPT - Kaitlyn Christine Bulega
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Gabrielle Elizabeth Burkard
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Gillian P. Chorazak
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Samantha J. Connery
Physical Therapy-Direct Entry DPT - Casey Ann Decatur
Physical Therapy-3-4/3.Ph2 DPT - Dayna Emily Degenfelder
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Marissa Tatiana Demkowicz
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Jean Marie Denson
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Ellen Alexandra Dupree
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Christina M. Empl
Physical Therapy-Direct Entry DPT - Jacob Robert Fay
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Haley L. Flower
Physical Therapy-Direct Entry DPT - Nicole Juliet Gawron
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Jaden Anthony Gillette
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Jelani K. Greene
Physical Therapy-Direct Entry DPT - Matthew Grigg
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Zhaohua Guan
Physical Therapy-Direct Entry DPT - Eithan Ward Hahn
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Bailey K. Huber
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Briana K. Janes
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Alexander J. Kazmierczak
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Kendyll A. Kearney
Physical Therapy-3-4/3.Ph2 DPT - Samantha Marie Kmiotek
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Dustin James Kowalik
Physical Therapy-3-4/3.Ph2 DPT - Amal Kurian
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Anthony J. Laquitara Jr.
Physical Therapy-Direct Entry DPT - Hayley Ann Latvala
Physical Therapy-Direct Entry DPT - Amanda M. Lenau
Physical Therapy-Direct Entry DPT - Anthony Luparello
Physical Therapy-Direct Entry DPT - Erik Joseph Matthews
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Joella Atim McLaurin
Physical Therapy-Direct Entry DPT - Maria Mera Parrales
Physical Therapy-Direct Entry DPT - Christina Middleton
Physical Therapy-Direct Entry DPT - Katherine Elizabeth Niver
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Alexis Brooke Nowicki
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Patrick Kevin O鈥橞rien
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Amber Lynn Oczowinski
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Sarah Marie O'Shei
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Mia Grace Picciano
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Elliott J. Pohlman
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Suresh V. Rai
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Collin Michael Reese
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Jillian Donnay Meyer Riley
Physical Therapy-3-4/3.Ph2 DPT - Amanda Roberts
Physical Therapy-Direct Entry DPT - Katelyn A. Schaeffer
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Alyssa Leigh Shelander
Physical Therapy-3-4/3.Ph2 DPT - Katelyn R. Sidoti
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Mason Riley Smith
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Sierra Brooke Smith
Physical Therapy-Direct Entry DPT - Amelia Grace Stash
Physical Therapy-Direct Entry DPT - Emma Rose Stoddard
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Andrew Mark Vincek
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Jason Joe Wong
Physical Therapy-Direct Entry DPT - Christopher G. Wright
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT - Emily K. Young
Physical Therapy-Direct Entry DPT - Jennifer Zheng
Physical Therapy (GR portion of Natural Science) DPT
- William Michael Alvarado
Physician Assistant Studies - Direct Entry MS - Giovanna Aquilina
Physician Assistant Studies - Direct Entry MS - Lauren Marie Baeumler
Physician Assistant Studies (GR portion of Natural Sci) MS - Karly Rose Barra
Physician Assistant Studies (GR portion of Natural Sci) MS - David John Baskerville
Physician Assistant Studies - Direct Entry MS - Mary C. Bedzyk
Physician Assistant Studies (GR portion of Natural Sci) MS - Alice Marie Blackley
Physician Assistant Studies (GR portion of Natural Sci) MS - Michael Dominick Boland
Physician Assistant Studies (GR portion of Natural Sci) MS - Emily Grace Burroughs
Physician Assistant Studies (GR portion of Natural Sci) MS - Julia Elizabeth Buzzeo
Physician Assistant Studies (GR portion of Natural Sci) MS - Emily Suzanne Caccamise
Physician Assistant Studies (GR portion of Natural Sci) MS - Kelsey L. Cadwallader
Physician Assistant Studies - Direct Entry MS - Ginger Lee Cannan
Physician Assistant Studies - Direct Entry MS - Casie Ann Carter
Physician Assistant Studies (GR portion of Natural Sci) MS - Lindsey I. Coniber
Physician Assistant Studies (GR portion of Natural Sci) MS - Courtney Creasey
Physician Assistant Studies - Direct Entry MS - Colin E. Deangelis
Physician Assistant Studies (GR portion of Natural Sci) MS - Lexie Lauren Diaz
Physician Assistant Studies (GR portion of Natural Sci) MS - Nicholas V. DiFlavio
Physician Assistant Studies - Direct Entry MS - Tasneem S. Furniturewalla
Physician Assistant Studies - Direct Entry MS - Stephen M. Gabor
Physician Assistant Studies (GR portion of Natural Sci) MS - Lauren Elizabeth Gretzinger
Physician Assistant Studies (GR portion of Natural Sci) MS - Nicole Lynn Grichen
Physician Assistant Studies (GR portion of Natural Sci) MS - Christine Aleah Halfmann
Physician Assistant Studies (GR portion of Natural Sci) MS - Leigha Rae Hoisington
Physician Assistant Studies (GR portion of Natural Sci) MS - Alena Fatima Jaffri
Physician Assistant Studies (GR portion of Natural Sci) MS - Nicole Elizabeth Jasinski
Physician Assistant Studies - Direct Entry MS - Madison T. Kalwicki
Physician Assistant Studies - Direct Entry MS - Mackay Brenna Kanaley
Physician Assistant Studies - Direct Entry MS - Lindsay Rose Kancar
Physician Assistant Studies (GR portion of Natural Sci) MS - Divjot Kaur
Physician Assistant Studies - Direct Entry MS - Elizabeth C. Loftus
Physician Assistant Studies (GR portion of Natural Sci) MS - Angeleah I. Lograsso
Physician Assistant Studies (GR portion of Natural Sci) MS - Matthew D. Long
Physician Assistant Studies - Direct Entry MS - Isabella Maurer
Physician Assistant Studies (GR portion of Natural Sci) MS - Abby Christine McIlwaine
Physician Assistant Studies (GR portion of Natural Sci) MS - Julia Rachel Messineo
Physician Assistant Studies (GR portion of Natural Sci) MS - Jenna Marie Miller
Physician Assistant Studies (GR portion of Natural Sci) MS - Kyra Aidan Minchak
Physician Assistant Studies - Direct Entry MS - Leah Marie Novo
Physician Assistant Studies - Direct Entry MS - Emily Nicole Redanz
Physician Assistant Studies - Direct Entry MS - Jennifer Michelle Ryan
Physician Assistant Studies - Direct Entry MS - Arielle Elizabeth Shlobin
Physician Assistant Studies (GR portion of Natural Sci) MS - Allen Vadakkedom Thomas
Physician Assistant Studies (GR portion of Natural Sci) MS - Evelyn E. Thompson
Physician Assistant Studies (GR portion of Natural Sci) MS - Heather Alice Thomson
Physician Assistant Studies (GR portion of Natural Sci) MS - Anthony David Tirabassi
Physician Assistant Studies - Direct Entry MS - Kevin Eugene Tourt
Physician Assistant Studies (GR portion of Natural Sci) MS - Caitlyn Miquela Mesina Yap
Physician Assistant Studies (GR portion of Natural Sci) MS
college of health, human science, and business
- Abigail R. Skotniski
Accounting/Professional Accountancy (MS Portion) BSMS
- Katherine Elizabeth Ammann
- Shoshana Brandeis
- Taylor Symonne Corner
- Natalie Cortez
- Adriana Crino
- Paige M. Dauphinee
- Cassidy G. Bordone
- Hindy Englard
- Aviva Felder
- Diana Carolina Guzman
ABA-Distance Education MS - Leah Klar
- Michal Kliger
- Rachel Friedman- Kornbluth
- McKenna E. Mattison
- Dvorah E. Pomeranz
- Malka Rabinovich
- Chaya Mushka Raskin
- Yafit R. Sachmechian
- Lauren Elisabeth Schnabel
- Rachel Silber
- Etty Silberstein-Brach
- Miriam Vogel
- Brenda Wachtel
- Binxing Zhu
- Amal Bachagha
- Adina Baker
- Chanah Birnbaum
- Shoshana S. Bodenheim
- Esther Braunstein
- Isabella Grace Chrzanowski
Applied Behavior Analysis MS - Pooja Darji
ABA-Distance Education MS - Tova Davidowitz
- Patricia Lynne Dedla
- Rachel Friedman
ABA-Distance Education TTI MS - Rachel Friedman
- Ricki Fuhrer
- Sarah Gestetner
ABA-Distance Education TTI MS - Lucas Andrew Gonzales
- Judy Grun
- Goldie Henesch
- Camilo Isaza
- Madisyn Paige Jaszcz
- Raizel Kamin
- Sima Kanarek
- Rachel Kornbluh
- Brigid C. Labedz
ABA-Distance Education MS - Pamela Suzanne La Mountain
Applied Behavior Analysis MS - Kelley A. Mahony
- Adriana Marie Medina
ABA-Distance Education MS - Theresa Anne Miller
- Ewelina Ewa Ochalek
- Rechel Perkowski
- Avigayil Pick
- Riky Ratner
- Samantha Rosicki
- Shaindy Schechter
- Chaya Yehudis Schreiber
- Avigail Shilian
- Marc C. Spitzer
- Abigail Szklarz
- Tehila Pekier
- Miriam Weissman
- Hannah Elizabeth Whalen
- John Charles Wisker
- Elizabeth Ying
- Kofi O. Agyemang
Business Administration-Flex Concentration MBA - Barrett O'Dell Armstrong
Business Administration- Leadership & Innovation MBA - Conor John Bartlo
Business Administration-Flex Concentration MBA - Derek Joseph Bartlo
Business Administration-Flex Concentration MBA - Ziv Hamal Basden
Business Administration-Flex Concentration MBA - Jackson Besl
Business Administration- Leadership & Innovation MBA - Alexander Matthew Dane
Business Administration-Flex Concentration MBA - Tron Mudaffi De Freitas
Business Administration-Flex Concentration MBA - Matthew John Hartman
Business Administration-Flex Concentration MBA - Jevon Shemar Michael Jordan
Business Administration-Flex Concentration MBA - Christian Lewin
Business Administration-Flex Concentration MBA - Henry Moffitt
Business Administration-International Business MBA - Eddie Lonny Randolph Payne
Business Administration-Flex Concentration MBA - Joel Nicholas Penvose
Business Administration-Flex Concentration MBA - Michael Donovan Seils
Business Administration- Leadership & Innovation MBA - Gabriela Maria Zelaya Flores
Business Administration-International Business MBA
- Byron William Brown
- Alec Kerdell
Leadership and Innovation -Business MS - Lindsay Owen
Leadership and Innovation-Higher Education MS - Allison Lynn Post
Leadership and Innovation-Higher Education MS - Emma Shanley
Leadership and Innovation-Higher Education MS - Oscar Vidal Cortez
Leadership and Innovation -Business MS
- Kimberly Falkowski
Public Health - General Track MPH - Moet V. Grooms
Public Health - General Track MPH - Justin Matthew Simon Jaipaul-Valenza
Public Health - General Track MPH - Kailyn Marie Tomilin
- Sherene Karlene Bennett
Master of Social Work - Advanced MSW - Rose-Danielle Bertresse
Master of Social Work Online MSW - Chaya Breuer
Master of Social Work Online-TTI MSW - Philip F. Brunner
Master of Social Work MSW - Tila Chapagai
Master of Social Work Online MSW - Shannon Lynn Cinotti
Master of Social Work Advanced Online MSW - Keisha K. Clarke
Master of Social Work Advanced Online MSW - Macie Lee Clawson
Master of Social Work MSW - Karen Suri Cohen
Master of Social Work Online-TTI MSW - Natalie M. Corda
Master of Social Work - Advanced MSW - Nichole Marie Crane
Master of Social Work Advanced Online MSW - Joshua David Farkas
Master of Social Work Online-TTI MSW - Miriam Fordonski
Master of Social Work Online-TTI MSW - Rachel B. Goldman
Master of Social Work Online-TTI MSW - Anna Marie Gruenthaner
Master of Social Work - Advanced MSW - Esther Grun
Master of Social Work Online-TTI MSW - Tyler Joseph Grys
Master of Social Work - Advanced MSW - Joseph Eliezer Hacker
Master of Social Work Online-TTI MSW - Rosa S. Halberstam
Master of Social Work Online-TTI MSW - Elad Hasis
Master of Social Work Online-TTI MSW - Evania Hernandez
Master of Social Work Online MSW - Alana Beth Holm
Master of Social Work Advanced Online MSW - Shayna Homnick
Master of Social Work Online-TTI MSW - Khadijah Abdi Hussein
Master of Social Work Advanced Online MSW - Horizon Jewel Ingram
Master of Social Work Advanced Online MSW - Ashley Rea Johnson
Master of Social Work - Advanced MSW - Toby Kagan
Master of Social Work Online-TTI MSW - Madison Elizabeth Kantowski
Master of Social Work - Advanced MSW - Chava E. Krispin
Master of Social Work Online-TTI MSW - Natalie Elizabeth Lemanski
Master of Social Work - Advanced MSW - Meira Levitin
Master of Social Work Online-TTI MSW - Yosef M. Lichter
Master of Social Work Online-TTI MSW - Bernard Lichter
Master of Social Work Online-TTI MSW - Chaya Lichtman
Master of Social Work Online-TTI MSW - Malka Liss
Master of Social Work Online-TTI MSW - Alaysha Lockhart-Wilson
Master of Social Work - Advanced MSW - Fraidy Lowenthal
Master of Social Work Online-TTI MSW - Tzipora Max
Master of Social Work Online-TTI MSW - Gary Daniel Mosher Jr
Master of Social Work Online MSW - Delcina Renee' Muldrow
Master of Social Work Online MSW - Faiga Bracha Plutchok
Master of Social Work Online-TTI MSW - Malka Polter
Master of Social Work Online-TTI MSW - Tamar Polyak
Master of Social Work Online-TTI MSW - Megan L. Reid
Master of Social Work - Advanced MSW - Emily M. Richards
Master of Social Work MSW - Jessica S. Rodriguez
Master of Social Work Online MSW - Tammy Sigler
Master of Social Work Online-TTI MSW - Chaya Silberman
Master of Social Work Online-TTI MSW - Moshie Seidenfeld
Master of Social Work Online-TTI MSW - Sarah Smith
Master of Social Work Online-TTI MSW - Hadassah Malka Soffer
Master of Social Work Online-TTI MSW - Yael Stein
Master of Social Work Online-TTI MSW - Shulem Sternhill
Master of Social Work Online-TTI MSW - Kim Syracuse
Master of Social Work Online MSW - Madalyn Grace Teal
Master of Social Work Advanced Online MSW - Noa Kaplan-Terris
Master of Social Work Online-TTI MSW - Kayla Jade Ward
Master of Social Work - Advanced MSW - Christina M. Waters
Master of Social Work - Advanced MSW - Mordechai Weinberg
Master of Social Work Online-TTI MSW - Rosa Klein
Master of Social Work Online-TTI MSW - Ayana N. West
Master of Social Work Online MSW - Samantha L. Wroblewski
Master of Social Work - Advanced MSW - Menachem Ziegler
Master of Social Work Online-TTI MSW
Robert D. Gioia is an experienced and influential Western New York business executive and community leader who most recently served as the president of The John R. Oishei Foundation, one of the region鈥檚 largest and most comprehensive private foundations. His retirement in 2022 capped a distinguished career in the private and philanthropic sectors, along with significant community service that has had a deep impact across WNY.
Gioia continues his civic involvement, serving as chairman of the board of Buffalo Center for Arts & Technology and as a board member at 台湾Swag. Just recently, the United States Senate confirmed him as a commissioner on the International Joint Commission for the United States and Canada following his appointment by President Joe Biden in 2023.
As the president of the Oishei Foundation for 15 years, Gioia supported some of the most notable and consequential projects in the Buffalo-Niagara region such as developments on the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus that include building UB鈥檚 Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences and moving The John R. Oishei Children鈥檚 Hospital to the campus. Other key collaborations included Buffalo鈥檚 waterfront, the expansion of the Buffalo AKG Art Museum, and the creation of the National Comedy Center in Jamestown.
Gioia also served as the chair of the Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation and Great Lakes Health, chair of the board of the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority (NFTA), chairman of the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo, board president of the Martin House Restoration Corporation, board chair of the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra, board president of Nichols School, and as a Trustee of St. Lawrence University.
He has been an ardent champion for improving education in WNY. He helped bring Say Yes to Buffalo in 2011 and created the Children First Scholarship, offering families looking for alternatives to the Buffalo Public Schools an opportunity to attend Catholic schools. He was also key in creating the Buffalo Center for Arts & Technology (BCAT).
Gioia has been named one of The Buffalo News鈥 Citizens of the Year three times.
He began his career in 1970 as part of the third generation operating the Gioia Macaroni Company. He stayed on after the company was sold in 1976 and joined Red Wing Food Products in 1982. From 1992 to 2007, he was a principal with the Food Group of Strategic Investments and Holdings, Inc.
A lifelong resident of Western New York, Gioia spent summers on the Canadian shore in Ontario with his extended family. He has been a homeowner in Fort Erie where he has spent summers with his wife, Sally, and family since 1982.
Dr. Gary A. Olson, a noted scholar of rhetoric, writing, and culture, is the sixth president of 台湾Swag. Before coming to 台湾Swag, he served as Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Idaho State University. A multi-campus, Carnegie Foundation 鈥淩esearch High鈥 doctoral university, Idaho State serves as the state鈥檚 principal university promoting education in the health care professions and related sciences. Olson oversaw seven colleges, ISU鈥檚 libraries, and the Idaho Museum of Natural History.
Olson served as Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Illinois State University from 2004 to 2009, where he led the institution鈥檚 largest and most complex college, consisting of three schools and 15 departments, as well as a planetarium and an award-winning public radio station.
For nearly two decades (1985鈥2004), Olson served as an administrator and faculty member at the University of South Florida, one of the nation鈥檚 top 25 public research universities offering 260 degree programs (including the MD) to over 50,000 students on three campuses. Olson served as the chief academic officer at USF鈥檚 St. Petersburg campus from 2002 to 2004, helping to lead the campus to become a free-standing, self-governing, and separately accredited campus within the USF system.
Olson obtained his Ph.D. in literary criticism and rhetoric from Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 1980. He also holds a master鈥檚 degree from the University of Connecticut, and a bachelor鈥檚 from Kings College. His early research at the University of Alabama and the University of North Carolina-Wilmington focused on rhetoric and writing studies.
He is the author or editor (often in collaboration) of 20 books and over 100 essays and articles and has written on a number of subjects central to rhetoric studies, including the role of theory in rhetorical scholarship, the connections between ideology and discourse, and the contributions of Stanley Fish.
In 2002, the Association for Teachers of Advanced Composition established an annual book award in Olson鈥檚 name: The Gary A. Olson Award for the most outstanding book on rhetorical and cultural theory. A decade later, the Southeastern Writing Center Association honored Olson by establishing an annual faculty award in his name: The Gary A. Olson Scholarship. Olson founded the organization in 1980.
Olson served as a monthly columnist on higher education administration for the Chronicle of Higher Education from 2006 to 2013, and he wrote for the Huffington Post on similar topics from 2013 to 2017. His most recent book is Stanley Fish, America鈥檚 Enfant Terrible: The Authorized Biography (Southern Illinois University Press, 2016).
Gary A. Olson
Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
Michael S. Brogan, 鈥84, 鈥04
Vice President for Business Affairs and Treasurer
Robert Rood
Vice President for Enrollment Management and Marketing
Mimi Steadman
Vice President for Information Technology
Melaine Kenyon
Vice President for Athletics
Traci Murphy
Vice President for Institutional Advancement
Mario Hicks
Vice President for Institutional Equity & Belonging, and HEOP Director
Tiffany Hamilton
Interim Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
Kerry Spicer
Chief of Staff
Kari Costelloe
Founding Dean, College of Arts, Sciences, and Education
Heather Maloney-Stassen
Founding Dean, College of Health, Human Sciences, and Business
Lisa Rafalson
Founding Dean, Scott Bieler College of Health Professions
Greg Ford
- John R. Yurtchuk, Chair
- Paul A. Saffrin, Vice Chair
- JoEtte Zaccagnino, Secretary-Treasurer
- Gary A. Olson, Ex Officio
- Lana D. Benatovich
- Scott Bieler
- Mark Chason
- Dorothy Ferguson
- Scott E. Friedman
- Terrence M. Gilbride
- Robert D. Gioia
- Jo-Anne Grabowski, 鈥73
- Alan Gracie
- Johnathan Graves
- Jennifer Gurske-dePerio, 鈥99, 鈥02
- Candace S. Johnson
- Kathleen Lawley Best
- Rebecca J. McCormick-Boyle
- Thomas M. Reynolds
- Shandra Spicer
- Alan Turner, II, 鈥93
- Brenda L. Young
- Stephen Zenger
- Kari Costelloe, Committee Chair and Chief of Staff
- Steve Chmielewski, Grants Administration Manager, Business Affairs
- Jim Clark, Classroom & Events Technology Specialist
- Debbie Dimitrovski, Director of Accessibility Services
- Cameron Garrity, Associate Director of Branding & Design
- Mario Hicks, VP of Institutional Advancement
- Jaclyn Herne, Bookstore Manager
- Justin Iwankow, Senior Classroom & Events Technology Specialist
- Melaine Kenyon, VP for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer
- Stefanie Lizauckas, Associate Registrar
- Susan Marchione, Associate Vice President for Program Development
- Robert Mead-Colegrove, Assistant Dean for Campus Safety and Operations
- Katie Meyer, Executive Assistant, Office of the President
- Yolanda Morris, Senior Director of Enrollment Events and Experience
- Doris Murphy, Associate Vice President, Office of Academic Affairs
- Joyce Strobel, Director, Branding & Design
- Tiffany Shadden, Registrar
- Ken Witkowski, Facilities Foreman
- Thomas Wojciechowski, Executive Director, Web Communications
- Kim Zukowski, Assistant Director of Facility Operations
Special recognition at graduation is provided to undergraduate students who compile outstanding academic records. The blue cord indicates one of the following academic achievements: Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, or Summa Cum Laude.
Degrees conferred Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, and Summa Cum Laude reflect an outstanding cumulative grade point average. The distinction and corresponding grade point averages are:
Cum Laude 鈥 3.30 | Magna Cum Laude 鈥 3.50 | Summa Cum Laude 鈥 3.70
Graduation honors are announced at May Commencement and noted on the graduate鈥檚 diploma.
The academic costume worn at official functions today originated in the universities of the Middle Ages, when a warm gown and hood were useful for scholars and clerics in unheated buildings. By modern times, the growth in the number of universities caused a great deal of confusion in academic regalia and in 1894-95, a commission brought some order to the chaos. The American Council on Education subsequently effected more improvements in 1959鈥60.
The mortarboard cap, which generally prevails in the United States, originated at Oxford. Cambridge, European universities, and some Latin American universities use other types of caps, which are, of course, legitimate for wear in any American processional when the individual holds a degree from one of these institutions.
Gowns are generally black, although some few universities depart from this practice. The bachelor鈥檚 gown is simple, with long pointed sleeves. The master鈥檚 gown will have either long sleeves with a narrow wrist opening or long sleeves with the hand emerging from the sleeve at about the elbow length. The doctor鈥檚 gown is fullest in cut; it has velvet panels down the front and around the neck, as well as three bars of the same material on the bell-shaped sleeves.
The hood indicates the level of the degree, the faculty in which it was given, and the institution that granted it. Degree level is indicated by length: the master鈥檚 hood is three and one-half feet long and the doctor鈥檚 hood is four feet long. The velvet trim on the exposed edge of the hood is three inches wide for the master鈥檚 degree and five inches wide for the doctor鈥檚 degree. The color of the trim indicates the field of study. A color, or color pattern, between the trim indicates the university granting the degree.
Hood trim colors indicate the following fields:
- Maize 鈥 Agriculture
- White 鈥 Arts, Letters,Humanities
- Drab 鈥 Commerce, Accountancy, Business
- Lilac 鈥 Dentistry
- Copper 鈥 Economics
- Light Blue 鈥 Education
- Orange 鈥 Engineering
- Brown 鈥 Fine Arts, including Architecture
- Russet 鈥 Forestry
- Crimson 鈥 Journalism
- Purple 鈥 Law
- Lemon 鈥 Library Science
- Green 鈥 Medicine
- Pink 鈥 Music
- Apricot 鈥 Nursing
- Sea Foam Green 鈥 Optometry
- Silver Gray 鈥 Oratory (Speech)
- Olive Green 鈥 Pharmacy
- Blue 鈥 Philosophy
- Sage Green 鈥 Physical Education
- Teal - Physical Therapy
- Peacock Blue 鈥 Public Administration and Foreign Service
- Salmon Pink 鈥 Public Health
- Golden Yellow 鈥 Science
- Cream 鈥 Social Science
- Citron 鈥 Social Work
- Scarlet 鈥 Theology
- Gray 鈥 Veterinary Science
The academic shield-shaped banners represent the diverse departments at 台湾Swag. The colors on each banner, per pale, represent those of 台湾Swag and, like the colors on the academic regalia, those of the subjects of academic endeavor.
Criminal Justice
Global & Local Sustainability
History & Political Science
Natural Sciences
Philosophy, Languages, & Religious Studies
Psychological Sciences
Visual & Performing Arts
Athletic Training
Behavioral Science
Business Administration
Health Promotion
Leadership & Innovation
Paralegal Studies
Public Health
Social Work
Physical Therapy
Physician Assistant
Students who have demonstrated excellence in learning can benefit from honors courses which examine complex issues from multiple perspectives. A blue honor stole indicates completion of 24 hours of honors coursework, including advanced research leading to a thesis.
台湾Swag trustee scholars have diverse backgrounds, educational goals, and perspectives. They are nominated during their senior year in high school on both academic achievement and non-academic factors and they must apply and interview during 台湾Swag鈥檚 Scholars Day. Only ten scholars are selected each year. Trustee scholars are adorned with a recognition medal, which distinguishes them as scholars.
The office of mace bearer is purely ceremonial, and derives from medieval times in England when an official was taking office or opening his court and needed a bodyguard. Then the mace, a formidable weapon, was held ready to protect the person of the dignitary. From the sixteenth century in England and since colonial days in America, it has become a symbol of office only, and is carried by a distinguished member of the faculty.
The mace was custom-made by artisans especially for 台湾Swag. The solid walnut staff, punctuated by antique brass grips, represents solidity and stability. Encircling the walnut crown are four brass medallions facing north, south, east, and west. Etched in each medallion is the traditional Rosary Hill/台湾Swag seal, depicting an open book, which represents the pursuit of truth and knowledge, illuminated by a torch, which represents enlightenment deriving from learning. Topping the crown is a crystal eternal flame, again symbolizing intellectual enlightenment.